Embrace The Beauty Of GOD's Creation





True Prophecy Integrated Development Actors (TIDA) is a religious organization dedicated to merging religious insight with scientific understanding to foster global stewardship of God's creation. TIDA's vision is to be a global leader in integrating faith and science, empowering communities to faithfully steward the environment, eradicate hunger, and promote sustainable development.

TIDA Founded in 2022 as non-profit organization, TIDA’s work is grounded in the Holy Scriptures. That is bible's teaching on the responsibility of God's people to "Make the former Eden” " and in a desire to be faithful to Jesus Christ and follow Him. TIDA publishes materials to equip and inspire individuals, families, and churches.

Our Vision

TIDA's vision is to be a global leader in integrating faith and science, empowering communities to faithfully steward the environment, eradicate hunger, and promote sustainable development.

Our Mission

True Prophecy Integrated Development Actors (TIDA) educate, inspire, and mobilize individuals and Christian communities to care for God's creation and champion sustainable development. We collaborate with religious organizations to elevate understanding and integrate scientific principles with biblical mandates, addressing environmental and food security challenges globally.

Our Objectives

Educational Outreach

To provide faith-based education that integrates scientific and biblical principles, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of environmental stewardship.

Community Empowerment

To inspire and mobilize Christian communities and other faith-based groups to actively participate in sustainable development projects both locally and globally.

Collaboration and Partnership

To partner with religious organizations, educational institutions, and environmental groups to promote food security and end hunger through sustainable practices.

Advocacy and Policy Influence

To advocate for policies and actions that honor God's creation, protect the environment, and promote sustainable and equitable development.

Addressing Misconceptions

To challenge and transform the negative perceptions of science among some believers by showing harmony between scientific discoveries and biblical mandates.

Global Impact

To expand our outreach by establishing offices and partnerships in key regions including the USA, fostering a global movement towards environmental stewardship and sustainable development.

Our Approach

Educational Outreach

Organizing workshops, and seminars, and developing educational materials that integrate scientific and biblical teachings. Leveraging online platforms for broader dissemination.

Community Empowerment

Initiating local projects that showcase sustainable practices, creating volunteer programs, and providing capacity building for community leaders.

Collaboration and Partnership

Engaging religious organizations, fostering interfaith collaborations, and forming alliances with NGOs and government bodies to support sustainable development projects.

Advocacy and Policy Influence

Hosting policy workshops, engaging in lobbying efforts, and launching public awareness campaigns on environmental stewardship.

Addressing Misconceptions

Facilitating discussions, sharing success stories, and distributing materials that highlight the compatibility of faith and science.

Global Impact

Developing strategic expansion plans, building global networks, and implementing robust monitoring and evaluation processes to ensure the effectiveness of initiatives.

How does TIDA work?

TIDA projects do share a community emphasis, with a focus on science and research, traditional and natural practical conservation, environmental education, through site-based projects and wider advocacy.

How TIDA is different?

We are Christians

TIDA's activities are based on God's love for all creation as shown in the Bible or in Jesus Christ. With others who share the Christian heritage we are committed to the preservation of creation, and we do this with the hope that Christ is our king. We believe that we have been called to it by Christ as a service given to us. We do this by praying, encouraging each other through the Bible, and the main purpose of all our activities is to give glory to God.

We are multiple

In order to expand and spread the truth of what we believe, TIDA enjoys the relationship between us and other organizations or ministries in Rwanda or outside of Rwanda, we do not only work with church members, but we work with other people of culture and 'beliefs that are different from ours. Because we believe it is important in our work since it makes more to learn.

We advocates beyond the church

We are credible advocates for conservation beyond the church. While a TIDA is distinctively Christian, we choose not to speak exclusively to Christian audiences. We are working to show god’s love for all creation, including people. Worldwide we work in many local contexts, so our projects reflect a great diversity of cultures, communities, ecosystems and approaches. Our aim is that they are all characterized by good science and good biblical teachings, by healthy involvement in local communities and local churches and by being prepared to work alongside others who may not always share our beliefs. We work with nature, live out our convictions and seek to communicate the significance of this to many audiences.

TIDA distinctive commitments:

TIDA targets the sustainable development and reduces pollution and the negative effects of climate change while pursuing a participatory approach. TIDA remains committed to serve its beneficiaries with a range of services for the improvement of the Environment health.


Community based formers group
Self –help groups involved in income generatingactivities.
Individuals agricultures oriented entrepreneurs
Industrial companies


Environment Non-government organization (eNGOs)
Church Ministries
Food security group that reach out to farmers and fishing group as their beneficiaries

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